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Sick of Spending Valentine's Day Solo? The Secrets to Shedding Your Single Status... Here!

As Valentine's Day approaches, the air fills with an essence of love, reminding singles everywhere of their solo status... But this day isn't just for couples; it's a perfect opportunity for self-reflection and growth. If you're tired of the same patterns keeping you single, it's time to make a change and I'm here to help you do it! In this blog post, I’m sharing six secrets for changing the love game. 

1. Reflect on Past Relationships

I know we all do this at-nauseam when we’re fresh out of a break up, but it’s usually through tears, tantrums and woe-is-me mentality. Now I’m asking you to look back objectively. How were you culpable in the breakup. Where were you falling short of your best self? Look back at your past relationships and dating patterns from a place of personal power and ask... What went wrong and how did I contribute? Are there recurring issues or behaviours on your part that contributed to the end of each of your relationships? Acknowledging your patterns and your culpability for them is the very first step toward welcoming lasting change.

2. Embrace Self-Love

The foundation of any healthy relationship is healthy self-love. Before searching for someone to “complete you”, UGH, make sure you’re whole and happy on your own! Embrace your strengths, work on your weaknesses, forgive your past behaviour and patterns and find happiness in your independence. When you love yourself, you set the standard for how others should love you. If you have ANY doubts of your own self value, now is the time to work them out!

3. Open Communication

One of the most common mistakes in forming and maintaining relationships is the lack of open communication. Get in touch with yourself, find out what you REALLY want. Be clear about your needs, desires, and expectations from the start, no matter how you think they'll land... The misunderstandings and unmet expectations of people-pleasing your way through relationships will only prolong inevitable misalignment. To avoid disappointment, resentment and wasting your time, adopt honest conversations, right from the get-go, and watch your authentic relationships flourish.

4. Leave the Past Behind

Carrying ALL THE baggage from past relationships into new ones is a surefire way to remain steadfastly single. Talk to a professional and let go of the anger, sadness, fear, hurt, guilt, distrust, and comparisons to past partners. Every new relationship deserves a fresh start, unburdened by the ghosts of relationships past. No matter how “over it” you think you are, if patterns are present in your love and dating life, you’ve got unconscious beliefs to unearth!

5. Stay Positive and Patient

Lastly, maintain a positive outlook and be patient. Love often arrives when least expected. I can attest to this, believe me! Don't rush into relationships for fear of being alone in your life. Embrace your single status as a time for personal growth and preparation for the right person to enter your life. Remember, we don’t attract what we want, we attract what we are. To attract the best you need to be the best. This is the time to put your money where your mouth is!

6. Cultivate Flexibility and Openness

Embracing flexibility and openness in your approach to dating is crucial. Often, being too rigid in your expectations or 'checklist' can limit your opportunities to meet someone truly compatible. Expand your horizons by being open to dating people who might not fit your usual type, but share your core values and life goals - and if you don't know what they are, go back to step one, and give me a call! Remember, love often comes in unexpected packages and by being flexible, you allow yourself the freedom to explore the full spectrum of potential partners in your life. Take it from someone who threw their "type" out the window and is now marrying the love of her life at 39 years old!

This Valentine's Day, gift yourself the promise of breaking free from the patterns that have kept you single. Embrace the journey of self-improvement and open your heart to the possibilities of love!

A great place to start is my free download, 6 Secrets to Successful Sex… 

And if you’re ready to go deeper... see what I did there.. HA HA!

My  “Identifying Your Intimate Blocks” course is ready and waiting for you to take the plunge...

Discover the unconscious patterns you’re dealing with in love, and make a conscious decision to be somewhere different next year! 

Until next time…

All my love, 

Courtenay x

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