Is it possible that the limitations you feel, the recurring patterns that haunt you, or the addictions you battle have all been programmed and mapped in your unconscious mind?
Have you repeatedly attempted to shake off an age-old self-belief system or trauma only to fall back into familiar and unhelpful habits again and again?
If so, your unconscious mind is most likely at the helm of this 'unbreakable' cycle...
But worry not, today i'm going to delve into how you can unlock the incredible potential hidden behind your unconscious patterns, to create the life that you WANT to live, starting right now!
Now for me, modern psychotherapy has left a lot to be desired over the years...
For a long time I was battling chronic anxiety, eating disorders, suicide and sexual abuse from a very young age, which psychologists and psychiatrists really only wanted to medicate me for.
It wasn't until I found a new method, fueled by a potent blend of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Time Line Therapy®, and Hypnotherapy, that paved the way to my own profound transformation and the endless possibilities I now see for my life, and my clients' lives.
To explain how potent these therapies are and how they work together to realize a potential like nothing you've ever seen, I'll break them down individually first.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is akin to learning the language of your own mind. When we understand these internal languages and how we speak to ourselves unconsciously, we can manipulate how we perceive every experience that we have in our lives, effectively altering our state, our responses, our actions and behaviours.
NLP literally gives you the tools to rewrite your behavioural patterns, particularly beneficial for breaking the chains of addiction, abuse, and limiting beliefs that hold you back from the outcomes you want in your life, your career and your relationships.
The next tool, and one of the most powerful I've experienced in my own healing transformation, is Time Line Therapy®, which taps into the origins of our inhibiting unconscious patterns. Often our harmful patterns extend from past experiences, kept alive unconsciously within us due to strong neural pathways in our brain.
If you can believe it, by the time a human is 35, they are operating at 95% autopilot in how they perceive, react and take action in world, running unconscious patterns 95% of the time from the way they brush their teeth to the way they perceive someone's expression, tone or actions towards them.
Time Line Therapy® enables us to journey into the past and transform the emotional heart of specific events, thereby breaking our "automatic" behavioural cycles. Shedding these emotional burdens opens us up to an incredible new world full of potential! A world that we may have previously perceived as unattainable, or based on our conditioning and perception, would not have even considered possible.
In addition to the above, Hypnotherapy is the third method that guides your unconscious mind to align with your conscious goals. It allows you deeper access into your own psyche by relaxing the conscious mind, permitting the reshaping of attitudes, behaviours, and thoughts held within the unconscious, that we may have been previously unaware of before. Combined with NLP and Time Line Therapy®, Hypnotherapy becomes a formidable tool in combating trauma, addiction, and self-limiting beliefs that are keeping you from the life you want to be living.
Marrying these therapies, we can address and reprogram the most deep-seated and harmful unconscious patterns, breaking free from the wheel of self-defeating actions, addictive behaviour, and emotional trauma. That's how I went from suicide, anxiety, addiction and abuse to hope, joy, love and freedom, living a life I LOVE every single day!
This trinity forms the core of healing on a scale that is unimaginable, until you've experienced it yourself of course. You can read more about my personal journey with these techniques here.
Feeling stuck is one thing; staying stuck is another!
Now, you have the chance to create an empowering change with my Ultimate Breakthrough Program. This program harnesses the strength of all three therapies - Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Time Line Therapy®, and Hypnotherapy, curated to dissolve and heal your unconscious patterns, enabling you to lead a markedly more fulfilled and balanced life.
I invite you to embark on this revitalizing journey of self-discovery and growth. Take the opportunity to learn more about the process for individuals by clicking on these beneficial resources; "How to change your life with NLP, Time Line Therapy®️ & Hypnotherapy" or address "The 5 Biggest Relationship Issues & How To Fix Them!".
These articles will not only enlighten you regarding the endless possibilities lying dormant within you, but also help you understand the process of tapping into these often overlooked potentials to improve the relationships you find yourself in and how they effect your overall happiness in life!
Undeniably, each one of us is a vast storehouse of untapped potential. Break down those barriers that have held you captive far too long. Take the leap into the unfathomable depths of your unconscious mind, reclaiming the control that was always meant to be yours and finally, propel towards the reality you richly deserve.
Begin your transformation with the Ultimate Breakthrough Experience today - for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today...
Break free, unbridle your passion for life and let possibilities bloom like never before!
The best version of you is waiting to be unveiled, don't live one more day in a life you don't love!
Until next time... All my love x